Ground Support

Operating in multiple continents has allowed us to gain invaluable organisational experience, ensuring that we always maintain our aircraft mission-ready no matter the conditions. Our crews form an integral part of the logistics supply chain, handling flight planning, field logistics and management, fuel procurement, aircraft crewing and training.

Extensive knowledge of a variety of cargo, passenger and combi aircraft types that are working in global operations, together with our in-house experts, ensures cost-effective flight routing and scheduling, payload management, cargo preparation, warehousing and customs clearance.

Moreover, our missions frequently require us to operate in challenging locations where there is an absence of even basic ground support capabilities and facilities. As a result, our crews are significantly advantaged by their adaptive and flexible approach. They are able to quickly create the necessary ground handling networks to load, unload and direct our aircraft and crews onto their next task.

Air Taurus Limited

Fitzwilliam HallFitzwilliam PlaceDublin D02 T292Ireland

A Gilridge CompanyGilridge


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